
Showing posts from June, 2018

Smart Containers provide a new era in the delivery of goods

Smart Containers provide a new era in the delivery of goods The delivery service in general is an effort that represents the owner of the goods who want to carry out the activities of shipping and receiving goods, which usually want cheap and affordable expedition services. Services in delivering this item can also be through land transportation, air transportation, to sea transportation. It also includes not only the activities of receiving or delivery of goods. It may also include other matters such as sorting, packing, marking, measuring, weighing, handling of documents, the publication of documents from a transport, the calculation of freight costs, to claims of insurance on delivered goods, together with settlement of bills and other costs. The fee may also include the receipt of the goods sent by the party entitled to receive it, in other words the recipient has been addressed by the shipper. In general, the service delivery of these goods can be done alone or tog

Smart Containers - With Blockchain technology

What Is Smart Containers? At its very core, Smart Containers is a temperature controlled container shipping platform with a highly selective niche in the globalized transportation of sensitive pharmaceutical goods and food stores. Smart Containers Group (formerly REP AG) is a Swiss-based technology company with a 5 year working history in the tech logistics sphere. Smart Containers Group has a majority stake in SkyCell (Pharma Application) along with FoodGuardians (Food Application). Revolutionizing temperature sensitive logistics With the vast glut of ICOs hitting the market daily, it can be a time consuming job vetting the good, from the bad and the ugly (scams). I do my utmost to find, dissect and write about projects that do in-fact, have a legitimate use case and solid market opportunity. All of this done while disregard any projected hype sprouted by the heavy hitting thought leaders throughout social media. In a majority of cases, the more specific the blockchain ta

Puissance de la ruche

Hive Power est une plate-forme qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer une énergie partagée, appelée Hive, où tous les utilisateurs bénéficient d'un investissement, réalisant une grande et idéale pour l'ensemble du réseau. Hive Power a développé une réponse pour créer et contrôler les voisinages de l'énergie dans la blockchain, donnant une rationalisation économique aux membres en les réduisant et en améliorant leurs atouts. Travaillant en étroite collaboration avec les fabricants de compteurs, Hive Power construit des compteurs d'énergie prêts à l'emploi, lui permettant de fonctionner en toute sécurité. L'objectif de Hive Power est de créer des communautés d'échange d'énergie où tous les membres ont un avantage économique garanti. Contrairement à d'autres systèmes d'échange d'énergie, la plateforme Hive Power est conçue pour prendre en compte les aspects techniques du treillis, par exemple les principes de qualité de l'énergie dans le ré




Hada Dbank is the digital bank which interface up the Islamic keeping cash system to blockchain development to help a man to trade the progressed fiscal principles. Progressed fiscal gauges have gotten noticeable quality in the current past requiring the bank to be envisioned to focus on the Islamic clients. It is basic for Hada Dbank to focus on Islamic sparing cash module utilizing straightforwardness and sensible system in business operations for a practical stream of the bank in the propelled bank industry. The consideration on cryptographic cash is essential in ensuring that Islamic buyers can place assets into the automated fiscal guidelines towards a social and money related progress. The HADACoins are used by the association in offering automated money respond in due order regarding the customers. Supposition about the bank The bank influences the Islamic society through the quality organizations contemplating blockchain advancement. Hada Dbank consolidates the blockchain deve

HADA DBANK – Your Personal crypto bank

Image HADA DBank is formed with an aim of providing the banking services digitally by fusing the newly arrived Blockchain technology with the Islamic banking principles. This fusion of the principles can bring benefits to the customers in the form of transparency between the bank and the customers. This Digital bank has analysed the pitfalls in the economy through the banking systems and analysed that the debts and interests are the main factors contributing to the economy collapse. Therefor the HADA Dbank has decided to follow the ethical and responsible banking system globally. The Islamic banking is not just for the Muslims but for everyone in the world. The Islamic people do not believe in the concept of debts and interests. This enables the transparency among the bank and the customers. The concept of profit and loss sharing in the Islamic banking will reduce the market manipulation and eliminates the possibility of another domino crash. HADA

HADA DBANK- 이슬람 뱅킹 모듈, 기술 블로그와 통합

HADA DBANK는 윤리적 은행 및 책임있는 생태계를 창출하기 위해 이슬람 은행 모듈과 블록 체인 기술을 결합한 최초의 디지털 은행입니다. 우리는 현재 은행 및 금융 기관에 대한 고객의 박해에 대해 불편합니다. 부채와이자로 인해 희소 한 돈을 벌어들이는 플레이어가 있습니다. 이런 이유로 세계 경제는 1 세기 이래 붕괴되었습니다. 은행이 지니고있는 책임 성의 결여는 매우 용감합니다. 그래서 우리는 은행, 은행 및 개인을 만들어 기존 금융 혁명의 일부가되기로했습니다. 관리 및 개인 정보 : 이것은 서비스, 프로세스, 상호 작용 및 비즈니스 수행에 영향을주고 형성하는 우리의 핵심 가치입니다. 이 말은 우리 조직을 내부적으로 이끌고 고객과 지역 사회에 외부 적으로 행동 할 것입니다. 우리는 이익을 창출하는 것이 아니라 국민의 삶을 개선하는 데 관심이있는 은행이되고 싶습니다. 개인화 또한 우리 서비스의 초점이 될 것입니다. 서로 다른 고객은 서로 다른 요구를 갖고 있으며 서로 다른 관심사와 서비스가 필요합니다. DBANK HADA는 모든 직원이 동일한 바지를 입을 수 있다고 생각하기 때문에 조정해야합니다. 우리는 금융 산업에서 '공정한'조직이되기를 원합니다. 2007-2008 년의 금융 위기는 일부 배우들이 나쁜 신호로 작용하고 있으며 금융 자산을 보존함으로써 수백만 명의 사람들이 전체 산업을 대체 할 수 있다고 무책임하게 말하고 있습니다. 투명성, 수익 및 손실 공유의 개념은 시장 조작을 저해하고 다른 모든 Domino 충돌을 제거합니다. HADA DBANK 팀은 어떠한 상황에서도 쉽게 사용할 수있는 포괄적 인 은행 디지털 블록 체인을 개발합니다. 그들은 0 %의 비용으로 은행 업무를 수행 할 수있을 것이며 동시에 우리로부터 양질의 서비스를받을 수있을 것입니다. 우리는 더 나은 은행 경험을 제공하고 이익을 정당화하기 위해 이익을 얻지 못하게되었습니다. HADA DBANK Digital Bank는 이슬람 은행 모듈을 Blockchai

HADA DBank ICO : Islamic Banking on BlockChain

Introduction: HADA DBank is formed with an aim of providing the Sharia banking services digitally by fusing the newly arrived Blockchain technology with the Islamic banking principles. The white paper mentions “ We aim to be your financial partners, rather than just a financial institution that you use for transactions “ This fusion of the principles can bring benefits to the customers in the form of transparency between the bank and the customers. HADA DBank has analysed the pitfalls in the economy through the banking systems and figured out that the debts and interests are the main factors contributing to the economy collapse. So HADA DBank has decided to follow the ethical and responsible banking system globally. The Islamic banking is not just for the Muslims but for everyone in the world. The Islamic people do not believe in the concept of debts and interests. This enables the transparency among the bank and the customers. The concept of profit and loss sharing in the Isl

HADA DBank ICO : Islamic Banking on BlockChain

Introduction: HADA DBank is formed with an aim of providing the Sharia banking services digitally by fusing the newly arrived Blockchain technology with the Islamic banking principles. The white paper mentions “ We aim to be your financial partners, rather than just a financial institution that you use for transactions “ This fusion of the principles can bring benefits to the customers in the form of transparency between the bank and the customers. HADA DBank has analysed the pitfalls in the economy through the banking systems and figured out that the debts and interests are the main factors contributing to the economy collapse. So HADA DBank has decided to follow the ethical and responsible banking system globally. The Islamic banking is not just for the Muslims but for everyone in the world. The Islamic people do not believe in the concept of debts and interests. This enables the transparency among the bank and the customers. The concept of profit and loss sharing in the Isl