HADA DBANK – Your Personal crypto bank

HADA DBank is formed with an aim of providing the banking services digitally by fusing the newly arrived Blockchain technology with the Islamic banking principles. This fusion of the principles can bring benefits to the customers in the form of transparency between the bank and the customers.
This Digital bank has analysed the pitfalls in the economy through the banking systems and analysed that the debts and interests are the main factors contributing to the economy collapse. Therefor the HADA Dbank has decided to follow the ethical and responsible banking system globally.
The Islamic banking is not just for the Muslims but for everyone in the world. The Islamic people do not believe in the concept of debts and interests. This enables the transparency among the bank and the customers. The concept of profit and loss sharing in the Islamic banking will reduce the market manipulation and eliminates the possibility of another domino crash.
HADA Dbank is headquartered in Switzerland, the Crypto Valley of the world. DBank has been formed with the vision of providing the Digital bank with the Blockchain environment accommodating the Islamic banking principles.
Market and Opportunities
The Middle East countries and the South East Asian countries accommodate for 1 Billion Muslim population. More than half of the Middle East countries are under the age of 30.
HADA DBank has introduced exclusive features and advantages like free encrypted E-Wallet, 5% savings returns per annum, 0% loan interest and payment options through HADA Coins.
It has a financial management bot or the personal assistant named HUDA bot which helps in managing the daily or the monthly expenses. It reminds the due bills to be paid and prioritize the schedule based on the account balance.
It also helps in achieving the short term goal like the dream vacation or the long term goal like the retirement plan.
The customers can use the crypto token HADA coin to perform the banking transactions. 2000 HADA coins will have the value of one ETH. The distribution of the HADA coins is diversed. 55% of the coins are circulated to the public. 30% are kept in the bank. 11% are used for the bounty and management. The remaining 4% are used for the institutional and retail investors.
The transactions are registered and stored in the blocks. The main database is executed in the blockchain network. Each block is cryptographically linked to the previous block. This ensures the security and also the privacy. Each component block is handled by a separate set of functions.
The customers can also perform the cash withdrawals from the ATMs by partnering with the banks globally. There is no service or the withdrawal fee for the customers and hence the customers can enjoy the free transactions.
The team and the Roadmap
The team comprises of the founder “Mohd Al Shazanous” who is the firm believer of the blockchain technology. The other board members have the experience with the financial and technological background.
The ICO is set to start in the first quarter of 2018. The banking services will kick-off in the third quarter and the blockchain will become open source in the fourth quarter. In the coming years the bank is planning for the Investment banking and also set the IT lab in the South East Asia.
Written by: Lanre0501
Btalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1167562


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