Hada Dbank is the digital bank which interface up the Islamic keeping cash system to blockchain development to help a man to trade the progressed fiscal principles. Progressed fiscal gauges have gotten noticeable quality in the current past requiring the bank to be envisioned to focus on the Islamic clients. It is basic for Hada Dbank to focus on Islamic sparing cash module utilizing straightforwardness and sensible system in business operations for a practical stream of the bank in the propelled bank industry. The consideration on cryptographic cash is essential in ensuring that Islamic buyers can place assets into the automated fiscal guidelines towards a social and money related progress. The HADACoins are used by the association in offering automated money respond in due order regarding the customers.
Supposition about the bank The bank influences the Islamic society through the quality organizations contemplating blockchain advancement. Hada Dbank consolidates the blockchain development to ensure that there is secure trading of HADACoins which are used to play out each day practices in the gathering. The 2007– 2008 cash related crisis breathed life into the change of the association to deal with the powerlessness in the money related business. In the midst of the crisis, the budgetary foundations and individuals added to the land bubbles that antagonistically influenced the overall money stream. Islamic banks consider real corporate organization and Islamic module of keeping cash making it less perilous. The centralization of Hada Dbank is reducing the helplessness in the progressed dealing with a record wanders for clients towards the achievement of purchaser and corporate goals through quality organizations.
Islamic banks are less risky and tougher than their peers, due to the aspect of their capital needs and the mobility of their bank deposits. Unlike Conventional Banking, deposits to Sharia Banks are entitled to be informed of what banks do with their money. They also have a vote in which their money should be invested. Islamic banks also seek to avoid interest at all levels of financial transactions and encourage risk sharing between lenders and borrowers.
There are two basic principles in sharia banking. One is the sharing of profits and losses; and two, significantly, the prohibition of interest collection and payment by creditors and investors. Collective interest or “Riba” is not permissible under Islamic law. In terms of profit, both the bank and its customers in the form agreed upon. In case of loss, all financial losses will be incurred borne by the lender. In addition, Islamic banks can not create debt without goods and services to support it (ie physical assets including machinery, equipment, and inventory). Therefore, our deposits, deposits and investments with DBank will be supported by physical assets such as precious metals and gemstones.
Apart from the Muslim population of 1.7 Billion and billions of others who prefer to subscribe to Islamic Banking services, DBANK’s HADA will also focus on a population of 644.1 million people in Southeast Asia (ASEAN).
Interesting facts about ASEAN:
Has a population that is not budgeted about 438 million.
More than half the population in ASEAN is under 30 years of age.
Has a market penetration of 854 million smartphones or 133% compared to the population, but only 53% of ASEAN population is online, leaving significant space for future market expansion in Indonesia.
As a special bank Online, this fact convinces us to focus on ASEAN as our secondary market. We are scheduled to offer our Syariah Banking Services gradually in the second Quarter of 2018.
HADA DBANK uses private blockchain that is stored on every node in the network. By default, all nodes are controlled by DBANK HADA. Some nodes only store copies of blockchain and do not take part in the transacton confirmation process (consensus protocol). The node can act as a gateway node or backup server. A node that acts as a validator can be found on a secure network segment of the bank and available through the gateway node.
The core core database is implemented in a blockchain structure, where each block is a set of transactons. Each new block defines the new core state according to the previous block state. The core database integrity is provided by blockchain and consensus on it. Each block is connected cryptographically to the previous block. This feature ensures the ability to validate the database and history of transactons on each tme in the future. The primary database stores all the data that passes its core.
We intend to raise capital for the development of DBANK HADA through its HADACoin. Buyers will be able to use HADACoin to conduct banking transactions or daily activities. Our customers will be issued with a Debit Card, which enables them to transact with our HADACoin, within the banking platinum or other merchants around the world.
A total of 500 million HADACoins will be issued. 295 million coins will be offered for sale. Of the 295 million coins, 20 million will be allocated to private investors and insttutonal buyers. 50 Million coins 275 Million will be released during the PRA-ICO exercise and the remaining 225 million coins will be released in our ICO practice in the near future. 10 million coins will be allocated to the gift campaign.
Pre-ICO Funding Target
Soft Cap = 5,000 ETH
Hard Cap = 20,000 ETH
35%: Capital raised by PRA-ICO will be allocated for research and development.
30%: For Operational Expenses.
20%: For Capital Shopping.
30%: For DBANK HADA Reserves.
For more information about our project you can see the link below:
Author: Lanre0501
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1167562
ETH Address: 0x5796870edad7e3c6672cf24878b70214488d1127


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