Digital advertising as we all know has been on a steady growth over the last half-decade. His growth was so magnificent that in 2017, digital marketing surpassed television advertising segments. This is quite historic; the advertising market has never experienced such a boost before. The emerge among the fragments of digital advertising is an automatic commercial with the development rate of over 23% yearly. This is a sharp differentiation to non-automatic portions with only a 4% development rate. By 2020, the advertising programming market is relied upon to achieve stunning $42 billion.
Be that as it may, the digital market has numerous difficulties. Low focusing on effectiveness, non-straightforward counterparty connections and extensive size of misrepresentation are a portion of the numerous issues confronting the advanced promoting market. These issues influence relationship - excessive charge by promoters to every customer, customers disappointment with quality and so on. Every one of these issues is going to be in the past with the presentation of Ubex

What is Ubex Project?
Ubex project is a global, decentralized exchange of programmatic advertising based on neural networks and smart contracts. The mission of the Ubex project is to create a global advertising ecosystem with a high level of mutual trust and maximum efficiency. Ubex will solve the problems of digital advertising by combining all the advantages of programmatic technologies, neutral networks and smart contracts in a single system. Ubex will bring about a change from the existing pay-per-click method to the payment for targeted actions through this approach. The point is to give a reasonable and interesting model for all market members; this s why Ubex is unique. This is fascinating, isn’t it?
Ubex is built on blockchain (blockchain- based) and will operate with a smart contract and this will automatically reduce participants’ risks. This is one of the reasons why Ubex is a unique project. In another sense, Ubex provides a Neutral network which boosts buying proficiency, assess the interests of clients, compute the probability of focused activities for all sponsor offer, and pick the most reasonable ad, is one of the points of interest Ubex have contrasted with different exchanges.
The issue of publicists losing cash on each pulled in purchaser as a result of customary approach, nearness of representatives prompting high commissions, pay-per-click which is vulnerable to extortion driving staggering expense of promoting will be adequately fathomed by Ubex through utilizing neural networks and collected information, the Ubex calculation chooses the most current publicizing offers pertinent for specific guests, boosting the likelihood of getting the coveted outcomes. On account of the utilization of neural systems, the significance of advertising shows are expanded, alongside the consistency of promoting effectiveness and the need to consume spending plans on experimentation approaches is lessened. The Ubex platform will give plentiful open doors to publishers and advertisers, as well as to organizations that need relapse examination of client information
How Ubex Platform Works
The Ubex token is an ethereum based cryptocurrency which will serve as a unit of payment on the Ubex platform. The requirement for a Token depends on the need to credit reserves from publicists' records for the presentations of publicizing materials that they have purchased.
ICO and Token Details
There is Initial Coin Offering (ICO) where you will find the opportunity to purchase UBEX Token and be a piece of this incredible venture. The hard cap is over 90% achieved and Ubex will be distributed to two hours after ICO sales on 13th August 2018. Also, Ubex will be listed on exchanges like Bitforex and others immediately after ICO.
UBEX total supply: 4 billion Tokens
Softcap: 4000 ETH
Hardcap: 24000 ETH
Cost of 1 UBEX Token: 0.00001 ETH
Minimum purchase: 0.01 ETH
Token Type: ERC-20
Ubex Roadmap
The Ubex project is a viable project with a working team. Ubex has a working real-life project which is achievable. The Ubex project has been ranked very high by different ICO rating sites, this does not just portray the token as investors’ choice, but the next big project in the crypto space. I really recommend this project to all investors. Make hay while the sun shines.
For more information about Ubex project and to participate, kindly visit the following links
Author: lanre0501
Bitcointalk username: lanre0501


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