
Showing posts from September, 2018

🔥✅Ubex - Global Decentralized Advertising Exchange!✅ 🔥

Dear friends and subscribers, welcome to my blog! Today, the engine of trade in many products, services and services is advertising. It can now be seen at every step in a different format: banners on the streets, pop-UPS on websites, notifications from mobile applications, media, special platforms and many others. They bring a lot of benefits for finding their buyer, and the user - the necessary things. Marketing in this area is developing in all directions and for a long time, try to introduce innovations and not everyone can use them effectively. Some people are already tired of annoying ads, which, for example, put in front of the video on the famous YouTube hosting, the search engine Yandex and Google also begin to issue other advertisements that you are no longer looking for. For advertisers also revealed the following shortcomings in the form that do not provide accurate and proven information about the effectiveness of advertising, and receive only the impressions, clicks,


Digital advertising as we all know has been on a steady growth over the last half-decade. His growth was so magnificent that in 2017, digital marketing surpassed television advertising segments. This is quite historic; the advertising market has never experienced such a boost before. The emerge among the fragments of digital advertising is an automatic commercial with the development rate of over 23% yearly. This is a sharp differentiation to non-automatic portions with only a 4% development rate. By 2020, the advertising programming market is relied upon to achieve stunning $42 billion. Be that as it may, the digital market has numerous difficulties. Low focusing on effectiveness, non-straightforward counterparty connections and extensive size of misrepresentation are a portion of the numerous issues confronting the advanced promoting market. These issues influence relationship - excessive charge by promoters to every customer, customers disappointment with quality and so on. Every

REMIIT- Decentralized Remiittance and Payment EXORDIUM

REMIIT platform is designed to be a revolutionary initiative as a catalyst to develop more efficacious and innovative structures for international mazuma transfers and payments, and providing sundry accommodations in each country. «Remiit as a catalyst of globalization through remittance and payment decentralized» REMII hopes to give you a teleportation portal. The open route will take you to your closing destination in a blink of an ocular perceiver and sanction you to obtain your purport. Even the fee for reaching the vacation spot is peerlessly more frugal than the course you used to ken. We hope to supply you with this path. ABOUT REMIIT As we face Globalization, a variety of obstacles between nations have been diminished and the ecumenical interplay of human beings and goods have become extra convenient. Especially due to the amelioration of the cyber world, the range of overseas remittance and fee transactions is rapidly incrementing. While such a massive market has spurred mo


Introduction Deoxyribonucleic асіd (DNA) іѕ thе hereditary mаtеrіаl in аll humans аnd аlmоѕt all organisms оn earth. Almоѕt аll the cells in a person’s body have thе same DNA аnd most DNA mоlесulеѕ соnѕіѕt оf twо biopolymer ѕtrаndѕ coiled around еасh оthеr tо fоrm a dоublе hеlіx. Thе information іn thе DNA іѕ ѕtоrеd as a соdе, made up оf fоur nuсlеоtіdеѕ: guаnіnе (G), adenine (A), thymine (T) and cytosine (C). Mitochondria are ѕtruсturеѕ that are within thе сеllѕ thаt аrе rеѕроnѕіblе for thе conversion оf еnеrgу gоttеn frоm fооd іntо a fоrm that сеllѕ can uѕе. A lіttlе аmоunt of DNA саn bе fоund іn these Mіtосhоndrіа, but mоѕt of thе DNA іѕ асtuаllу fоund іn the cell nucleus. An іntrіguіng ԛuаlіtу оf DNA іѕ that іt саn replicate, or reproduce іtѕеlf. Each strand оf DNA in the dоublе hеlіx ѕtruсturе of the DNA саn bе uѕеd аѕ a раttеrn fоr duрlісаtіng thе ѕеԛuеnсе of bаѕеѕ. If thе еxасt ѕеԛuеnсе of a humаn bеіng саn bе determined ѕuссеѕѕfullу, іt wоuld rеаllу hеlр іn thе identification

RIPAEX: A Crypto Asset Marketplace Built on The Ark of Blockchain Technology

Hello readers! do you know that the cryptocurrency business has been drawing serious global attention recently. So many people have invested in the cryptocurrency market and making huge gains. It's worthy to note that crypto investments which are online investments based on the blockchain technology are very much profitable. People are always looking for investment projects that very much reliable and have a great future. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about cause it does not come out of no were than here Ricky’s Outlook. There is one fascinating project online that has come to change the business atmosphere to a better one. Let me introduce you to one of crypto finest ongoing project called Ripa Exchange Ripa Exchange is a hybrid-decentralized exchange with a

Ethereum Limited - Create your Intelligent Contracts intuitively.

We started a new article to tell you about ETHEREUM LIMITED ( ), a new project that will begin its pre-sale in just 75 days, so this is the perfect time to inform you about this project and, If you are interested, we will tell you how to invest. The first thing we must say as a step prior to the review of ETHEREUM LIMITED ( ), is one of the most common questions in this world, and this is none other than what is a token or a currency , where and how can I store my coins? Well, in the case of ETHEREUM LIMITED ( ) we have a project that will work with an ERC20 token, that is, ETHEREUM LIMITED ( ) is a project that will run on the Ethereum network, so that it will benefit from the intrinsic virtues of Ethereum, namely, high security and speed, decentralization, anonymity and great stability. Also, as with all ERC20 tokens, if at the end you dare to invest in this ICO (remember to see the

Ethereum limitado: ofrece oportunidades a personas no calificadas

Un artilugio sin complicaciones para la introducción, uso y control de contratos inteligentes también puede aumentar drásticamente la tarifa de la organización empresarial comercial y la adopción por parte de los consumidores de blockhain (o la era del libro asignado) tiene el poder para reformular las regulaciones de cambio virtual y almacenamiento de información , el uso de la era con el recurso de profesionales no informáticos se había limitado a la falta de paquetes sinceros. Ethlimited libera las ventajas de tarifas, reducción de tasas y protección de los contratos ingeniosos para humanos y organización empresarial. Constituye la tecnología posterior de Smart que permite a cada persona crear una, excepto la comprensión de programación. La mayoría de las estructuras descentralizadas, que pretenden ofrecer contratos inteligentes, tienen un defecto en común: hacen que sea difícil para las personas verdes crear contratos inteligentes. Esto desalienta a los clientes que escogen disfru