
Showing posts from August, 2018


Quantum Pay is a decentralized monetary facility platform which aims to deliver money transfers, game credits, hotel bookings, bill payments, mobile top-ups. How Quantum Pay Works? Using QPAY, customers have access to wallet to be launched by the team soon and services such as remittances, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, credits games, online hauls and online shopping nationwide merchants who accept digital currency. Download a Wallet Simple to Use and Convenient to Transact- Implement dealings without the requirement to synchronize with the blockchain and is a user-friendly interface. Buy & Sell Market Tracing and Signals- Worldwide market checking of statistics sponsored by continuous synchronization with digital market sites. Flexible price ready for situations shall never miss out on important market arrangements. Safe & Secure Self-held Private Keys, Improved Safety- Encoded Private Keys will be deposited steadily in expedient's local sandbox stru


EINFÜHRUNG. Quantum Pay ist eine dezentralisierte und computerisierte Bankengine, die als Finanzdienstleistungsplattform fungiert. Quantum nutzt die digitale Währung als eine Art Kleingebühr für Investitionen, Kreditaufnahme, Finanzierung und Bankgeschäfte, die sich auf monetäre Organisationen auswirkt, die über ihre bestehenden Outlets hinausgehen. Diese Person-zu-Person-Brieftasche bietet auch Handout, Rechnung Kosten, tragbare Aufladungen, operativen Einkauf und Transfer-Services. Sein Währungslieferungssystem hat tausende von Banken, Pawnshops, Gebührenausgängen und Türschützern durch die Welt. Mit Quantum Pay haben Kunden Kontakt zu der App-Wallet, die vom Team gestartet wurde, und bezahlen, Sendezeit, Rechnungszahlung, Hotelbuchung, Zuallererst musst du eine App waltern. Machen Sie eine Brieftasche in wenigen Minuten mit unserer Anwendung, nicht einen minimalen Geldbetrag und keine monatlichen Gebühren. Quantum Pay App ist, wo Sie Ihre QPa-Token und Etherium auch setzen könn

QuantumPay - ICO

Quantum Pay adalah platform fasilitas moneter terdesentralisasi yang bertujuan untuk mengirimkan transfer uang, kredit game, pemesanan hotel, pembayaran tagihan, mobile top-up, belanja online dan mengirim uang di mana saja di arena internasional. Ini menggunakan pertukaran digital sebagai pintu masuk biaya kecil untuk investasi, pinjaman, keuangan, pendanaan, dan perbankan, mulai lingkup lembaga keuangan di luar infrastruktur outlet yang ada untuk banyak yang tidak memiliki rekening bank di dunia. Aplikasi yang akan diluncurkan juga akan memiliki fitur donasi dan layanan eksklusif lainnya yang akan diperkenalkan nanti. Bagaimana Cara Kerja Quantum Pay? Dengan menggunakan QPAY, pelanggan memiliki akses ke dompet aplikasi yang akan diluncurkan oleh tim segera dan layanan seperti pengiriman uang, waktu-udara, pembayaran tagihan, pemesanan hotel, kredit permainan, online haul dan belanja online pedagang nasional yang menerima mata uang digital. Unduh Dompet Sederhana untuk Digunakan dan

[ REVIEW ICO | VN ] 🔥🔥 QUANTUM PAY Reserves 3Bn Qpay for Bounty Rewards🔥🔥 - Tại sao bạn nên chọn Quantum Pay?🔥🔥

GIỚI THIỆU QUANTUM PAY Quantum Pay có thể là một đại lý của Banker Engine được địa phương hoá, được xử lý, là một nền tảng dịch vụ tiền tệ. Quantum Pay sử dụng tiền kỹ thuật số như một cánh cửa chi phí nhỏ để đầu tư, cho vay, tài chính và ngân hàng, làm tăng ảnh hưởng của các tổ chức tài chính ở phía xa của các đường dây hiện tại cho đến khi số lượng cá nhân của Hoa Kỳ Cơ quan quốc gia không có tài khoản ngân hàng trên thế giới. Quantum Pay cũng cung cấp dịch vụ chuyển giao từ người sang người, lập hóa đơn, nạp tiền từ đầu, tìm kiếm hoạt động và dịch vụ chuyển tiền. Hệ thống phân phối tiền tệ của nó bảo vệ hàng chục ngàn ngân hàng, hiệu cầm đồ, các nhà bán lẻ chi phí và các lô hàng door-to-door qua hành tinh. Nạn nhân của Quantum Pay, người mua có liên hệ với Associate trong các trường hợp ứng dụng điều dưỡng sẽ được đưa ra bởi các nhóm và cơ sở nhắc nhở thanh toán, thời gian không khí, thanh toán hóa đơn, đơn đặt hàng xây dựng, tín dụng trò chơi và các đại lý xem trực tuyến nh

QUANTUMPAY Mesin Bankir Terdesentralisasi Untuk Jasa Layanan Keuangan

Layanan keuangan adalah layanan ekonomi yang disediakan oleh industri keuangan yang mencakup berbagai bisnis yang mengelola uang,termasuk serikat kredit,bank,perusahaan kartu kredit,perusahaan asuransi,perusahaan akuntansi,perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen,broker saham,dana investasi dan beberapa perusahaan yang disponsori pemerintah.Perusahaan jasa keuangan hadir di semua lokasi geografis yang dikembangkan secara ekonomi dan cenderung mengelompok di pusat keuangan lokal,nasional,regional dan internasional. Salah satu organisasi yang mengembangkan jasa pelayanan keuangan,Quantum Pay adalah mesin bankir terdesentralisasi dan terkomputerisasi yang berfungsi sebagai platform layanan keuangan.Sebagai fasilitas yang berurutan di mesin blockchain,Quantum Pay menggunakan mata uang digital sebagai pintu biaya kecil untuk investasi,pinjaman,pendanaan dan perbankan,menyebarkan pengaruh organisasi moneter di luar landasan gerai yang ada ke sejumlah orang yang tidak memiliki rekening bank di dun

QUANTUMPAY financial platform that uses blockchain technology

Today, the change that began to be addressed by experts in the financial and banking industry and blockchain technology is a move that has been compared to the Internet 20 years ago. Today, banking systems, online payment gateways are no stranger to the vast majority of the world's population. But this form will become extremely costly as millions of transactions are made every minute. According to estimates by the Economist, banks around the world have raised $ 1.7 trillion in forex trading in 2014 - equivalent to 2% of global GDP! Experts predict that by 2025, 10 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) will be stored by blockchain technology, which is truly an impressive figure demonstrating the potential of This new technology. Especially for the banking industry, in the past year the whole world was shaken by the blockchain's influence on the sector, the shock that 20 years ago the Internet has done with the media, media. What blockchain makes a change in the b

Ico review - quantumpay (QPAY)

Quantum Pay  is a Decentralized and Computerized Banker Engine who serves as a financial services platform. As a facility successively on blockchain machinery, Quantum Pay uses digital currency as a little charge doorway to investment, lending, funding, and banking, spreading the influence of monetary organizations beyond their existing outlet groundwork to the number of people who are unbanked in the world. This also delivers person-to-person wallet handovers, bill expenditures, portable topups, operational shopping, and transfer services. Its currency distribution system shields tens of thousands of banks, pawnshops, fee outlets, and door-to-door delivery through the world. Using Quantum Pay, clients have contact to an app wallet to be launched by the team and facilities such as payments, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, game credits and online shopping at a number of dealers who admit digital currency. First thing you need to do is an App wallet. Create your wallet in m

QuantumPay – A Decentralized And Computerized Banker Engine

Virtual and real-world economies are highly consistent, and especially within the modern world of online spending and banking, digital economies are representing their relevance despite obvious distrust among economists, politicians, and the broader conservative body. Various forward-looking thinkers, however, have predicted the reflective provocation of digital markets and currencies on real-world systems, even suggesting digital causes for recent trends in real-world markets One fairly recent system of this sort is the digital currency Bitcoin. Bitcoin in some sense serves as the heir to a long line of failed virtual currencies, but many people have hopes that this year-old system will prove at last the potential for the stability and independence of virtual economies from real-world systems. To cope up with the fast changes in digital world, Quantum Pay is ready to set in. While Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are working only via internet, Quantum Pay is operational eve