
Showing posts from April, 2018


Cold Transmutation (LENR) of chemical elements is a breakthrough, innovative technology for converting certain chemical elements into others. Cheap items are valuable. This is an opportunity to obtain platinum metals and other valuable elements, including gold, artificially from cheap raw materials. The capacity to integrate chemicals changes the economy in a substantially more noteworthy path, contrasted with blockchain innovation be that as it may. Blockchain is an innovation for recording data about esteem and exchanges, it’s virtual data. The marvel of cold transmutation is available in late decades. The SYNTHESTECH bunch builds up this innovation; They performed several analyses and accomplished amazing outcomes. Among the outcomes acquired platinum assemble metals. The most essential inquiry is whether the task is monetarily practical? Cold Transmutation of Chemical Elements (LENR-Transmutation) innovation is a zone with gigantic business potential. Things that can be acqu

SYNTHESTECH-Technology For Precious Metals Synthesis

FOREWORD The valuable elements and isotopes are characteristic of many modern industries (microelectronics, transportation, energy storage), and also have special properties in the treatment of various types of diseases. However, due to the limited amount of available energy, one makes a way to transform elements and isotopes through low-energy nuclear reactions, it is the transformation of some chemical elements into another form in their natural environment without the use of large amounts of energy.  thus splitting. And now is the time to take the next step - to master technology transforming inexpensive elements into valuable elements and isotopes with the help of low-energy nuclear reactions. WHAT IS SYNTHESTEC The new era has revolutionized the technology of the dynamic world region.  What has long seemed like impossible today is a fact.  It's time to change the philosophy of nature back.  It's time to save a lot of the world.  So, let's decide which Sy