
Showing posts from March, 2018

Numoney Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

Numoney is a retail store located near Buangkok MRT station. They offer over the counter (OTC) services for purchase of cryptocurrency and now they are looking to start their own online exchange (a hybrid of Gemini & Binance). They are looking to raise funds for the exchange's liquidity through Initial Exchange Offering. Numoney is started by a group of Singaporeans who saw the problems in the cryptocurrency scene in Singapore and South East Asia. Started in November 2017, in a span of four months, the turnover of the company crossed S$2.5million, highlighting the demand for cryptocurrency in the South East Asia market. This significant turnover has resulted in the flagging of their bank account (mainly due to the high volume of deposits and withdrawals). In the long run, OTC services became unsustainable in the developers' view. This problem that Numoney faces is not unique to them alone. Banks all over South East Asia and Singapore have not been very appreciative of

Forty Seven Bank - a business that offers online transactions and fast and secure online transfers for cryptocurrency or other data

hello all you guys ever heard forty seven bank project. this project is online business and transfer for kriptocurrency.oke gan directly we discuss more detail ... happy reading. forty seven banks vision and value forty seven banks to provide safe, innovative and friendly financial services and products to customers, individuals, businesses, developers, traders, finance and government institutions.  Although the world of CryptoWold and traditional finace provide new grants.  The unique opportunity of the Forty Seven Bank Products. forty Seven Bank creates an innovative and flexible Application Platform for financial technology developers, who will be able to operate under the roof of Forty Seven Bank, have access to bank infrastructure and customer base.  We will allow developers with small or medium capital to create white label applications that will compete with traditional banks.  Our Bank as a Service solution will disrupt the EU's financial sector by reducing the


Fortyseven is a project of high responsibility with its clients in general and has the highest technologies to change the environment bank-crypto-coins. Check this conference to get more inside of what will happen (video in English): RIGA COMM 2017: Латвии строят ракеты и в разрабатывают концепцию банка будущего У наших южных соседей есть частная космическая программа, латвийцы учат японских роботов, разрабатывают уникальные ... even more for the fortyseven we will have to wait and have the patience to wait at least until the same reach big Exchange like binance to have greater profit and in response to everything that we feel in relation to our profits we can not be carried away by the famous feeling of FUD and in several situations sooner or later we come across this situation.  More with the fortyseven the best I think of all this is that it is not necessary to have this feeling, because in my view and to my credit I already have a notion of the guaranteed pro


With high practicality and also affectivity of functionalities that did not lack to supply the demand of a growing market and in high rise.  Attention should also be paid to the loyalty factors of the fortyseven who had invested in resources for project supporters. All of the transactions on the market today tend to be fast and with the lowest cost possible, and fortyseven is not missing out on that, offering fast transactions to all of its customers in general. Fortyseven will also have strategic ways developed by professionals to have great success in the areas in which it operates, the world of cryptocurrents, which are categorized, the high use of technology, the main innovative idea that is the world-wide junction of two worlds, the banking and cryptocurrence, good architecture, conventional systems, and so on. Always integrating new technology, the fortyseven tried to be always ahead of the competition in the banking world as well as in the world of crypto-coins.  Although


No sé ustedes, pero tengo suficientes amigos que usan sitios como Biglion, donde pueden encontrar diferentes descuentos y promociones para todo tipo de servicios y entretenimiento. También tuve experiencia, por ejemplo, comprando un cupón para entrenar en un muro de escalada, sobre el cual no había escuchado antes. Fue el descanso activo más óptimo para mí. Les presento el proyecto de una plataforma basada en el éxito de taquilla. Plataforma Inserviss Como un sitio de "mercado", la plataforma Inserviss sirve para atraer a los clientes por negocios en el sector de servicios, por un lado, y para ofrecer a los usuarios precios asequibles y una gran variedad, por el otro. Pero a diferencia de otros sitios, Inserviss es una aplicación móvil que agrega comodidad en el uso, y la calificación de los establecimientos lo ayudará a orientarse en la calidad de los servicios. Al mismo tiempo, gracias al sistema de bloqueo, se mejoran la seguridad y la transparencia, y se eliminan los int


SETCOIN Setcoin  - это проверенная криптовалюта, основанная на технологии блокчейн, выпущенная Inserviss для платежей между поставщиками услуг и клиентами. Inserviss - это глобальный рынок, на котором встречаются поставщики услуг и клиенты. Услуги от маникюра, педикюра, ухода за волосами, терапевтов и даже врачей, медсестер и тренеров могут быть приняты с платформы Inserviss. Платформа предлагает поставщикам услуг возможность создавать профили, устанавливать цены и расписания, обрабатывать рекламные акции и даже управлять взаимоотношениями с клиентами (CRM).  Продажа токенов   Старт продаж 01.03.2018г. ● Общее количество токенов: 1,000,000,000 SET ● Выделено токенов для ICO: 300,000,000 SET  Цены: 1 BTC = 100 000 SET 1 ETH = 10000 SET 1 LTC = 1500 SET 1 EUR = 12 SET 1 USD = 10 SET  Способы оплаты:  BTC, ETH, LTC, USD, EUR  WEBSITE: WHITE PAPER: TELEGRAM: